Had a Spanish mortgage? You could be owed compensation

You could be owed thousands due to mis-sold products when taking out your Spanish mortgage

Have you taken out a Spanish mortgage?

Frequently asked questions

Why might I have a claim?

If you have taken out a Spanish mortgage, there is a chance that it was mis-sold due to additional charges, insurance or unlawful contracts.

How much can I claim?

That depends on the products mis-sold and the value of the mortgage. Once an initial case review has been processed an estimated claim value can be provided.

How far back can you check?

There is no limit on this. The older the mortgage the more interest can be recovered.

What is the next step?

Our team of experts will review your documents to establish if you have a valid claim

What are the fees?

Our fees are, 40% + Spanish IVA on the damages recovered.

Which banks were involved?

Any bank that provided a mortgage in Spain pre 2019 is likely to have applied hidden clauses and/or overcharges.

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